Strive Marketing

Kami Harris Coaching

How We Helped

Website Design
Web Development
Email Marketing

We partnered with Kami, a dedicated coach for homeschooling parents, to help her establish a stronger online presence. By designing and developing a new website, we ensured it was visually appealing and easy to navigate, making it easier for her audience to connect with her services.

To boost her lead generation efforts, we set up targeted systems to capture and nurture potential clients. Additionally, we implemented an email marketing strategy to stay connected with her community and build lasting relationships. These enhancements have positioned Kami to grow her client base and better serve homeschooling families.


Get a free marketing website seo ppc social media analysis

Get a FREE

marketing website seo ppc social media


For a limited time we are offering a free 30 minute strategy session & analysis ($399 value) where we analyze and explain, in detail, exactly what you need to do in order to start getting more traffic, leads & conversions from your website.

There is absolutely no obligation, we just love to help!

About us

 At Strive Marketing, we help local business owners harness the power of digital marketing & use it to get more sales, more happiness and reduce the stress of running a business.

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Contact US


400 S. Blvd

Idaho Falls, ID 83402
